Source code for gpex.gpexmodule

#general TODOs: now the code asumes [NxC x *] where * is any number of 1s rather than any number of hxwx... 's. Include the more general assumption.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
import sys
import os
import time
import statistics
#import psutil
import copy
import pickle
import re
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import math
import copy
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import gc
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import map_coordinates
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
import skimage
import PIL
from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
import torchvision.models as torchmodels

import torchvision
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.autograd import Function

clamp_min, clamp_max = 0.00001, 5.0 #TODO:check #---override

def set_moduleweights_to_zero(m, variance_bais=0.1):
    Given a module, sets the weights of the module to zero, 
        and sets biases to random values generated around zero.
    setmodule_havingweight = {
    if type(m) in setmodule_havingweight:
        if(m.bias is not None):

class ControlVariate:
    def __init__(self, int_mode):
        self.int_mode = int_mode
        assert(self.int_mode in [1,2])
        print("Controlvariate mode is set to {}".format(self.int_mode))
    def __call__(self, x, xhat):
            x: a tensor of shape [N x D].
            xhat: a tensor of shape [N x D].
        with torch.no_grad():
            N, D = list(x.size())[0], list(x.size())[1]
            #copmute cov_xxhat =====
            mu_1 = torch.sum(x, 0).unsqueeze(0) #[1 x D]
            mu_2 = torch.sum(xhat, 0).unsqueeze(0) #[1 x D]
            normalized_x    = x - mu_1 #[N x D]
            normalized_xhat = xhat - mu_2 #[N x D]
            cov_xxhat = torch.mean(normalized_x * normalized_xhat, 0) #[D]
            #compute cov_xhatxhat ===
            cov_xhatxhat = torch.mean(normalized_xhat * normalized_xhat, 0) #[D]
            astar = (cov_xxhat / cov_xhatxhat).unsqueeze(0) #[1xD]
        #compute the modified input ===
        if(self.int_mode == 1):
            toret = x - (astar*normalized_xhat).detach()
            return toret #TODO:check the effect of E[h(z)]
        elif(self.int_mode == 2):
            mu_2_gradpass = torch.sum(xhat, 0).unsqueeze(0) #[1 x D]
            normalized_xhat_gradpass = xhat - mu_2_gradpass #[N x D]
            toret = x - (astar.detach()*normalized_xhat_gradpass)
            return toret #TODO:check the effect of E[h(z)]
            assert False

def func_printcudameminfo():
    '''Prints total memory used by cuda.'''
    t = torch.cuda.get_device_properties(0).total_memory
    r = torch.cuda.memory_reserved(0) 
    a = torch.cuda.memory_allocated(0)
    f = r-a  # free inside reserved
    print(" >>>> total={}, reserved={}, allocated={}, free={}\n\n\n".format(t, r, a, f))

class MatmulInvXXTplusSigma2:
    This class implements multiplication of 
    (XX^T + sigma2I)^(-1) by another vector. 
    X is [NxD], where N>>D. 
    def __init__(self, sigma2, device):
        #grab args
        self.sigma2 = sigma2
        self.device = device
    def unscalable_forward(self, X, y):
        XT = torch.transpose(X, 0, 1) #[DxN]
        XXT = torch.matmul(X, XT) #[NxN]
        N, D = X.size()[0], X.size()[1]
        temp = torch.inverse(XXT + self.sigma2*torch.eye(N)) 
        toret = torch.matmul(temp, y)
        return toret
    def forward(self, X, y, flag_getlogdetmat1=False, dict_args_efficiency=None):
            - X: tensor of shape [NxD].
            - y: tensor of shape [N]. 
            - (XX^T + sigma2I)^(-1) * y, tensor of shape [Nx1].
        #compute the eigen vectors/values of XTX ====
        if(dict_args_efficiency is None):
            XT = torch.transpose(X, 0, 1) #[DxN]
            XTX = torch.matmul(XT, X) #[DxD]
            assert("mode" in list(dict_args_efficiency.keys()))
            if(dict_args_efficiency["mode"] == "allowgrad"):
                #get args ==
                precomputed_XTX = dict_args_efficiency["precomputed_XTX"]
                idx_in_inputarg = dict_args_efficiency["idx_in_inputarg"]
                idx_in_globalGPX = dict_args_efficiency["idx_in_globalGPX"]
                global_GPX = dict_args_efficiency["global_GPX"]
                idx_slice_gpx = dict_args_efficiency["slice_GPX"]#note that this function is called for only one slice of Du.
                dimv = dict_args_efficiency["dimv"]
                #compute XTX ===
                X_oldvals = global_GPX.detach()[idx_in_globalGPX, :]
                X_oldvals = X_oldvals[:, idx_slice_gpx[0]:idx_slice_gpx[1]]
                X_gradpass = X[idx_in_inputarg[0]:idx_in_inputarg[1], :]
                XTX = precomputed_XTX[dimv].detach() - torch.matmul(torch.transpose(X_oldvals,0,1), X_oldvals).detach() + torch.matmul(torch.transpose(X_gradpass,0,1), X_gradpass)
                # ~ XT = torch.transpose(X, 0, 1) #[DxN]
                # ~ XTX_totest = torch.matmul(XT, X) #[DxD]
                # ~ print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>> max diff between the two XTXs = {}".format(torch.max(XTX-XTX_totest)))
            elif(dict_args_efficiency["mode"] == "detachGP"):
                print("the mode is detachGP")
                dimv = dict_args_efficiency["dimv"]
                XTX = dict_args_efficiency["precomputed_XTX"][dimv]
                print("unknown mode {}".format(dict_args_efficiency["mode"]))
                assert False
        D = list(XTX.size())[0]
        N, D = X.size()[0], X.size()[1]
            landa_1toD, Qd= torch.linalg.eigh(XTX) #TODO:majorchange torch.symeig(XTX, eigenvectors=True) #u, s, v = torch.svd(L)
            landa_1toD = torch.clamp(landa_1toD, min=0.0001, max=np.inf) #TODO:check
            #find pairwisedifferences between the eigen-values =====
            with torch.no_grad():
                np_landa_1xD = np.expand_dims(landa_1toD.detach().cpu().numpy().flatten(), 0) #[1xD]
                np_landa_Dx1 = np.expand_dims(landa_1toD.detach().cpu().numpy().flatten(), 1) #[Dx1]
                np_pairwisediff = (np_landa_Dx1 - np_landa_1xD) + np.eye(D) #[DxD]
                flag_svdsafe = True
                # ~ if(np.min(np.abs(np_pairwisediff)) < 0.000000001): #TODO:check
                    # ~ flag_svdsafe = False
            if(flag_svdsafe == False):
                print("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< detected unsafe svd >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
                return -1
        #compute the eigne vectors/values of XXT
        Qn = torch.matmul(X, Qd) #[NxD]
        landa_n =
        ) #[N]
        #normalize Qn ===
        norm_Qn = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(Qn*Qn, 0)).unsqueeze(0) #[1xD]
        Qn = Qn/norm_Qn
        #compute the eigen vectors/values of XXT + sigma2I ===
        Qn_plussigma2I = Qn
        landa_plussigma2I = landa_n + self.sigma2
        #compute the eigen vectors/values of inv(XXT + sigma2I) ===
        Qn_plussigma2I_inv = Qn_plussigma2I #[NxD]
        landa_plussigma2I_inv = 1.0/landa_plussigma2I #[N]
        #compute the part in the D-largest space ===
        mat1 = Qn_plussigma2I_inv #[NxD]
        mat2 = torch.diag(landa_plussigma2I_inv[0:D].flatten()) #[DxD]
        mat3 = torch.transpose(Qn_plussigma2I_inv, 0, 1) #[DxN]
        mat4 = y #[Nx1]
        matmul_234 = torch.matmul(
        output_Dspace = torch.matmul(mat1, matmul_234) #[Nx1]
        #compute the part in the (N-D)-space ====
        y_on_Dspace = torch.matmul(
                torch.transpose(Qn_plussigma2I_inv, 0, 1),
        ) #[Nx1]
        y_on_NminDspace = y - y_on_Dspace #[Nx1]
        output_NminDspace = landa_plussigma2I_inv[-1] * y_on_NminDspace #[Nx1]
        #test if y_on_NminDspace is orthogonal to the D-space ===
        #temp = torch.matmul(torch.transpose(Qn_plussigma2I_inv, 0, 1), y_on_NminDspace)
        #return the determinant of the covariance matrix 
        if(flag_getlogdetmat1 == True):
            return output_Dspace + output_NminDspace,\
            return output_Dspace + output_NminDspace

class forward_replaced:
    termporarily replaces the forward of the module under consideration.
    def __init__(self, module_tobecomeGP, func_newforward):
        #grab args ===
        self.module_tobecomeGP = module_tobecomeGP
        self.func_newforward = func_newforward
        #save the original forward fucntion ====
        self.original_forward = module_tobecomeGP.forward
    def __enter__(self):
        self.module_tobecomeGP.forward = self.func_newforward

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        self.module_tobecomeGP.forward = self.original_forward

[docs]class GPEXModule(nn.Module): ''' The main module to be created in order to use GPEX. ''' def __init__(self, module_rawmodule, size_recurringdataset, device, func_mainmodule_to_moduletobecomeGP, func_feed_noise_minibatch, func_feed_inducing_minibatch, func_feed_nonrecurring_minibatch, func_feed_test_minibatch, func_get_indices_lastrecurringinstances, func_get_modulef1, flag_efficient = True, flag_detachcovpvn = True, flag_setcovtoOne = False, flag_controlvariate = True, int_mode_controlvariate = 2, flag_train_memefficient = False, memefficeint_heads_in_compgraph = None ): ''' Inputs. - module_rawmodule: the raw module in which a module it to be replaced by GP. - size_recurringdataset: the size of the inducing dataset (i.e. the variable M in paper). - device: torch device to be used. - func_mainmodule_to_moduletobecomeGP: a function that takes in your pytorch module, and returns the ANN submodule to be replaced by GP. - func_feed_inducing_minibatch: in this function you should implement how a mini-batch from the inducing dataset is fed to your pytorch module. This function has to have 0 input arguments. - func_feed_noise_minibatch: in this function you should implement how a mini-batch of instances over which the GP is matched to ANN, is fed to your pytorch module. As explained in the paper and implemented in the sample notebook, a proper way is to feed a minibatch of samples like `lambda*x + (1.0-lambda)*(1-x)`. This function has to have 0 input arguments. - func_feed_nonrecurring_minibatch: in this function you should implement how a mini-batch from the training dataset if fed to your pytorch module. This function has to have 0 input arguments. - func_feed_test_minibatch: in this function you should implement how a mini-batch from the testing dataset is fed to your pytorch module. This function has to have 0 input arguments. - func_get_indices_lastrecurringinstances: A function that returns the indices of the inducing instances which are fed to the module. In other words, when implementing `func_feed_xxx_minibatch` you should put the indices of the inducing instances which are last fed, in a list or os, so you can return it later on in this function. Importantly, you have to update the list "before" calling any forward functions (as done in the sample notebook). Otherwised, it may lead to unwanted behaviour. - func_get_modulef1: This function has to have 0 input arguments, and returns the kenel module. In the notation of the paper, let's say ANN has L output heads so there will be L kernel functions. If each kernel-space is considered D-dimensional, the output of the kernel module has to be D*L dimensional, where each group of D dimensions should be L2-normalized. In the paper experiments kernel module ends with a leaky relu activation. ''' super(GPEXModule, self).__init__() #grab arguments === self.module_rawmodule = module_rawmodule#TODO:check why deepcopy doesn't work. copy.deepcopy(module_rawmodule) self.size_recurringdataset = size_recurringdataset self.device = device self.func_mainmodule_to_moduletobecomeGP = func_mainmodule_to_moduletobecomeGP self.func_feed_noise_minibatch = func_feed_noise_minibatch self.func_feed_recurring_minibatch = func_feed_inducing_minibatch self.func_feed_nonrecurring_minibatch = func_feed_nonrecurring_minibatch self.func_feed_test_minibatch = func_feed_test_minibatch self.func_get_indices_lastrecurringinstances = func_get_indices_lastrecurringinstances self.func_get_modulef1 = func_get_modulef1 self.flag_efficient = flag_efficient self.flag_detachcovpvn = flag_detachcovpvn self.flag_setcovtoOne = flag_setcovtoOne self.flag_controlvariate = flag_controlvariate self.flag_train_memefficient = flag_train_memefficient self.memefficeint_heads_in_compgraph = memefficeint_heads_in_compgraph #make internals === self.module_tobecomeGP = func_mainmodule_to_moduletobecomeGP(self.module_rawmodule) self.func_rawforward_tobecomeGP = self.module_tobecomeGP.forward self.module_f1 = self.func_get_modulef1() if(self.flag_controlvariate == True): self.controlvariate = ControlVariate(int_mode = int_mode_controlvariate) #synch self._rng_heads_in_compgragh with that of module_f1 if(self.flag_train_memefficient == True): assert(self.memefficeint_heads_in_compgraph is not None) self._set_rng_headsincompgraph([0, self.memefficeint_heads_in_compgraph+0]) #infer Du and Dv === #if(self.flag_train_memefficient == True): # self.module_f1.set_rng_outputheads(rng_outputhead = self._rng_heads_in_compgragh) self._inferDvDv() self._infer_outputsize_mdouletobecomeGP() #if(self.flag_train_memefficient == True): # self.module_f1.set_rng_outputheads(rng_outputhead = None) #to enable multi-kernel, devide Dv over Du dimensions ==== list_kerneldims = [0 for i in range(self.Dv)] idx_dims = 0 for i in range(self.Du): list_kerneldims[idx_dims] += 1 idx_dims = int((idx_dims+1)%len(list_kerneldims)) list_rngkernels = [] count_filleddims = 0 for u in list_kerneldims: list_rngkernels.append([count_filleddims, count_filleddims+u]) count_filleddims += u self._list_rngkernels = list_rngkernels #make GP internal modules (e.g. GPX and GPY) ==== self.flag_svdfailed = False self.sigma2_GP = 1.0 #TODO:check self.module_matmulxxtplussigma2 = MatmulInvXXTplusSigma2(sigma2 = self.sigma2_GP, device = self.device) self.GP_X = torch.nn.Parameter( torch.randn(self.size_recurringdataset, self.Du, requires_grad = False, device=self.device) ) #[N x Du] self.GP_Y = torch.nn.Parameter( torch.randn(self.size_recurringdataset, self.Dv, requires_grad = True, device=self.device) )#[N x Dv] self.cov_qvn = torch.Tensor([[0.0]]).float().to(self.device) if(self.flag_efficient == True): self.precomputed_XTX = [0 for i in range(self.Dv)] self.renew_precomputed_XTX() # ~ self.precomputed_XTX = [] # ~ for dimv, rngdim in enumerate(self._list_rngkernels): # ~ sliced_GPX = self.GP_X[:, int(rngdim[0]):int(rngdim[1])] #[size_recurringdataset x urng] # ~ self.precomputed_XTX.append(torch.matmul(torch.transpose(sliced_GPX,0,1), sliced_GPX).detach())
[docs] def init_UV(self): ''' Initializes U (the kernel-space representaitons of the inducing points) and V (the GP posterior values at the inducing points). This function must be called before calling the function `getcost_explainANN`. ''' self.initV_from_theannitself() self.initU_from_kernelmappings()
[docs] def getparams_explainANN(self): ''' Returns the parameters to be optimized for explain ANN. When optimizing the cost returned by `getcost_explainANN`, the optimizer has to operate on the parameters returned by this function. ''' return self.module_f1.parameters()
def _inc_rng_headsincompgraph(self): if(self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[1] == self.Dv): #the head is in its last position self._rng_heads_in_compgragh = [0 , self.memefficeint_heads_in_compgraph] #reset the head back to the beginning. return self._rng_heads_in_compgragh = [ self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[0] + self.memefficeint_heads_in_compgraph, self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[1] + self.memefficeint_heads_in_compgraph ] if(self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[1] > self.Dv): #the head has gone of the end limit len_head = self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[1]-self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[0] self._rng_heads_in_compgragh = [self.Dv-len_head , self.Dv] #move the head to its end position. self.module_f1.set_rng_outputheads(rng_outputhead = self._rng_heads_in_compgragh) def _set_rng_headsincompgraph(self, input_rng): self._rng_heads_in_compgragh = input_rng self.module_f1.set_rng_outputheads(rng_outputhead = self._rng_heads_in_compgragh) def _synch_rng_heads_in_compgragh(self): self.module_f1.set_rng_outputheads(rng_outputhead = self._rng_heads_in_compgragh)
[docs] def split_vectors_inkernelspace(self, input_x): ''' Splits the Du dimensions in Dv groups, the same way they are splitted to build different kernels. ''' list_toret = [] for dimv, rngdim in enumerate(self._list_rngkernels): sliced_x = input_x[:, int(rngdim[0]):int(rngdim[1])] list_toret.append(sliced_x) if(isinstance(input_x, np.ndarray)): return np.stack(list_toret) elif(isinstance(input_x, torch.Tensor)): return torch.stack(list_toret) else: print("Undefined input type {}.".format(type(input_x))) assert False
[docs] def get_W_of_kernelspace(self): ''' Returns the weights of the linear transform on the kernel space. ''' local_GPX, local_GPY = self.GP_X.detach(), self.GP_Y.detach() list_w_dimv = [] for dimv, rngdim in enumerate(self._list_rngkernels): sliced_GPX = local_GPX[:, int(rngdim[0]):int(rngdim[1])] #[size_recurringdataset x urng] sliced_GPY = local_GPY[:, dimv].unsqueeze(-1) #[size_recurringdataset x 1] xxtplussigma2inverse = self.module_matmulxxtplussigma2.forward( sliced_GPX, sliced_GPY, dict_args_efficiency=None ) #[size_recurringdataset x 1] w_dimv = torch.matmul( torch.transpose(sliced_GPX, 0, 1), xxtplussigma2inverse ) #[urng x 1] list_w_dimv.append(w_dimv) return torch.stack(list_w_dimv)
def _forwardGP(self, x, GPX, GPY, flag_clampcov=True, flag_returnsimilarites=False, dict_args_efficiency=None): ''' Forwards to the GP itself. Returns mux and covx. ''' N, M, h, w = list(x.size()) local_GPX, local_GPY = GPX, GPY #self.GP_X.detach(), self.GP_Y.detach() descriptors_vectorview = x.permute(0,2,3,1).reshape((-1, M)) #[Nhw x Du] if(self.flag_train_memefficient == True): du_per_gp = int(self.Du/self.Dv) list_mux, list_covx, list_similarities = [], [], [] for dimv, rngdim in enumerate(self._list_rngkernels): if((self.flag_train_memefficient == True) and ((dimv >= self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[1]) or (dimv < self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[0]))): continue; if(self.flag_train_memefficient == False): sliced_GPX = local_GPX[:, int(rngdim[0]):int(rngdim[1])] #[size_recurringdataset x urng] else: sliced_GPX = local_GPX[:, du_per_gp*(dimv-self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[0]):du_per_gp*(1+dimv-self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[0])] if(self.flag_train_memefficient == False): sliced_GPY = local_GPY[:, dimv].unsqueeze(-1) #[size_recurringdataset x 1] else: sliced_GPY = local_GPY[:, dimv-self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[0]].unsqueeze(-1) #in this case, local_GPY is the GPYs for a subset of GPs. if(self.flag_train_memefficient == False): sliced_descriptors_vectorview = descriptors_vectorview[:, int(rngdim[0]):int(rngdim[1])] #[Nhw x urng] else: sliced_descriptors_vectorview = descriptors_vectorview[:, du_per_gp*(dimv-self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[0]):du_per_gp*(1+dimv-self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[0])] #[Nhw x urng] if(dict_args_efficiency is not None): if(self.flag_train_memefficient == False): dict_args_efficiency["slice_GPX"] = [int(rngdim[0]) , int(rngdim[1])] else: dict_args_efficiency["slice_GPX"] = [int(rngdim[0]) , int(rngdim[1])] dict_args_efficiency["dimv"] = dimv xxtplussigma2inverse = self.module_matmulxxtplussigma2.forward(sliced_GPX, sliced_GPY, dict_args_efficiency=dict_args_efficiency) #[size_recurringdataset x 1] if(isinstance(xxtplussigma2inverse, int)): if(xxtplussigma2inverse == -1): #in this case, the svd has failed ===== self.flag_svdfailed = True print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SVD Failed <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<") return torch.ones(N*h*w, self.Dv).float().to(self.device), torch.ones(N*h*w, self.Dv).float().to(self.device) mux = torch.matmul( sliced_descriptors_vectorview, torch.transpose(sliced_GPX, 0, 1) ) #[* x size_recurringdataset] mux = torch.matmul(mux , xxtplussigma2inverse) #[* x num_outputheads] list_mux.append(mux) #compute covx ==== first_term = torch.matmul(sliced_descriptors_vectorview, sliced_descriptors_vectorview.permute(1,0)) #[Nhw x Nhw] second_term = self.module_matmulxxtplussigma2.forward( sliced_GPX, torch.matmul(sliced_GPX, sliced_descriptors_vectorview.permute(1,0)), dict_args_efficiency=dict_args_efficiency )#[size_recurringdataset x Nhw] second_term = torch.matmul( torch.matmul(sliced_descriptors_vectorview, sliced_GPX.permute(1, 0)), second_term ) #[Nhw x Nhw] covx = torch.diagonal(first_term) - torch.diagonal(second_term) #[Nhw] #print(" >>>>>>>>>>> min of covx before clamp = {}".format(np.min(covx.detach().cpu().numpy()))) if(flag_clampcov == True): covx = torch.clamp(covx, min=clamp_min, max=clamp_max)#TODO:check covx = covx.unsqueeze(-1) #[Nhw x 1] list_covx.append(covx) if(flag_returnsimilarites == True): toappend = torch.matmul( sliced_descriptors_vectorview, torch.transpose( sliced_GPX, 0, 1 ) ) list_similarities.append( toappend ) mux =, 1) covx =, 1) if(flag_returnsimilarites == True): similarities = torch.stack(list_similarities, 0) #[Dv x nhw x size_recurringdataset] #return mux and covx if(flag_returnsimilarites == False): return mux, covx else: return mux, covx, similarities def _reshapeUorV(self, x): ''' Reshapes a tensor of shape [N x D x *] to a tensor of shape [* x D]. ''' NDstar = list(x.size()) N, D, star = NDstar[0], NDstar[1], NDstar[2:] x = x.permute(*([0]+[i+2 for i in range(len(star))]+[1])) #[N x * x D] x = x.view(-1, D) #[N* x D] return x, N, D def testingtime_forward(self, *args, **kwargs): with torch.no_grad(): with forward_replaced(self.module_tobecomeGP, self._forward_testingtime_withoutuncertainty): output = self.module_rawmodule.forward(*args, **kwargs) if(self.flag_train_memefficient == True): self._set_rng_headsincompgraph(input_rng = [0 , self.memefficeint_heads_in_compgraph]) return output, self._testingtime_uncertainties, self._testingtime_similarities
[docs] def forward_GPwithoutuncertainty(self): ''' Forwards a non-recurring mini-batch as if the GP is trained without uncertainty. ''' with forward_replaced(self.module_tobecomeGP, self._forward_GPwithoutuncertainty): output = self.func_feed_nonrecurring_minibatch() return output
[docs] def update_U(self): ''' Updates some elements of GPX based on the current value of the function (i.e. the module) f1(.). ''' self.module_rawmodule.eval() with torch.no_grad(): with forward_replaced(self.module_tobecomeGP, self._forward_updateGPX): output = self.func_feed_recurring_minibatch() #self.renew_precomputed_XTX() #print("WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! remove the above line.") self.module_rawmodule.train() if(self.flag_train_memefficient == True): self._inc_rng_headsincompgraph()
[docs] def getcost_GPmatchNN(self): ''' Computes cost w.r.t. model params. ''' self.flag_svdfailed = False self.module_rawmodule.eval() with forward_replaced(self.module_tobecomeGP, self._forward_makecostGPmatchNN): output = self.func_feed_noise_minibatch() #now the following tensors are set self._costModelParams_term1 self.module_rawmodule.train() return self._cost_GPmatchNN_term1
''' def getcost_explainANN(self): #Computes and returns the cost that encourages the Gaussian processes to behave similar to ANNs. self.flag_svdfailed = False self.module_rawmodule.eval() if(self.flag_train_memefficient == True): self._synch_rng_heads_in_compgragh() func_forward = self._forward_makecostModelParams if(self.flag_train_memefficient == False) else self._forward_makecostModelParams_trainmemefficient with forward_replaced(self.module_tobecomeGP, func_forward): tempoutput = self.func_feed_noise_minibatch() #tempoutput = tempoutput.detach() #now the following tensors are set self._costModelParams_term1 cost_toret = self._cost_GPmatchNN_term1 + 0.0 #now compute the dummy output (only not to break the forward) ==== with torch.no_grad(): with forward_replaced(self.module_tobecomeGP, self._forward_dummy): output = self.func_feed_nonrecurring_minibatch() self.module_rawmodule.train() if(self.flag_train_memefficient == True): self._inc_rng_headsincompgraph() return self._cost_GPmatchNN_term1, output '''
[docs] def get_costQvn(self): ''' Computes the KL-divergence part of elbo w.r.t. vn. ''' #set eval-train settings of modules === self.module_rawmodule.eval() #TODO:check self.module_f1.eval() #TODO:check self.module_tobecomeGP.train() #TODO:check with forward_replaced(self.module_tobecomeGP, self._forward_makecostQvn): output = self.func_feed_nonrecurring_minibatch() #now the following tensors are computed: self._cost_Qvn_klpart. toret_KL = self._cost_Qvn_klpart #revert train-eval settings ==== self.module_rawmodule.train() #TODO:check self.module_f1.train() #TODO:check self.module_tobecomeGP.train() #TODO:check return toret_KL, output
[docs] def get_costQvhatm(self): ''' Computes the cost for Qvhatm parameters. ''' self.module_rawmodule.eval() #TODO:check self.module_f1.eval() #TODO:check with forward_replaced(self.module_tobecomeGP, self._forward_makcostQvhatm): output = self.func_feed_nonrecurring_minibatch() #now the following tensors are computed: self._costQvhatm_term1, self._costQvhatm_klterm self.module_rawmodule.train() #TODO:check self.module_f1.train() #TODO:check return self._costQvhatm_term1, self._costQvhatm_klterm, output
def _forward_checkequalf1pathgpath(self, x): ''' The forward when checking whether f1(.) path is equal to g(.) path. ''' if(self.flag_train_memefficient == False): #pass x to g(.) output_g = self.func_rawforward_tobecomeGP(x) #[N x Dv] #REQUIREMENT: output of the ANN module has to be [N x Dv]. assert(len(list(output_g.size())) == 2) toret = output_g + 0.0 #output_g = output_g.squeeze() #[N x Dv] #pass x to GP(.) path output_gp, _ = self._getMuCovforQvhatm(self._reshapeUorV(self.module_f1(x))[0]) #[N x Dv] #add to list of outputs self._list_outputgp_versus_outputg.append([output_gp.detach().cpu().numpy(), output_g.detach().cpu().numpy()]) return toret else: #pass x to g(.) output_g = self.func_rawforward_tobecomeGP(x) #[N x Dv x *] toret = output_g + 0.0 output_g = output_g.squeeze() #[N x Dv] #pass x to GP(.) path tensor_u = [] for idx_gp in range(self.Dv): self._set_rng_headsincompgraph(input_rng = [idx_gp , idx_gp+1]) tensor_u.append(self.module_f1(x)) tensor_u =, 1) #[N x Dv] output_gp, _ = self._getMuCovforQvhatm(self._reshapeUorV(tensor_u)[0]) #[N x Dv] self._list_outputgp_versus_outputg.append([output_gp.detach().cpu().numpy(), output_g.detach().cpu().numpy()]) return toret def _forward_checkequalf1pathgpath_ontorchdl(self, x): ''' The forward when checking whether f1(.) path is equal to g(.) path on a Pytorch Dataloader. After this forward, the following fields will be set: - - ''' if(self.flag_train_memefficient == False): #pass x to g(.) output_g = self.func_rawforward_tobecomeGP(x) #[N x Dv x *] toret = output_g + 0.0 output_g = output_g.squeeze() #[N x Dv] #pass x to GP(.) path output_gp, _ = self._getMuCovforQvhatm(self._reshapeUorV(self.module_f1(x))[0]) #[N x Dv] #add to list of outputs self._f1pathversusgpath_ontorchdl_gpout = output_gp.detach().cpu().numpy() self._f1pathversusgpath_ontorchdl_annout = output_g.detach().cpu().numpy() #self._list_outputgp_versus_outputg.append([output_gp.detach().cpu().numpy(), output_g.detach().cpu().numpy()]) return toret else: #pass x to g(.) output_g = self.func_rawforward_tobecomeGP(x) #[N x Dv x *] toret = output_g + 0.0 output_g = output_g.squeeze() #[N x Dv] #pass x to GP(.) path tensor_u = [] for idx_gp in range(self.Dv): self._set_rng_headsincompgraph(input_rng = [idx_gp , idx_gp+1]) tensor_u.append(self.module_f1(x)) tensor_u =, 1) #[N x Dv] output_gp, _ = self._getMuCovforQvhatm(self._reshapeUorV(tensor_u)[0]) #[N x Dv] #self._list_outputgp_versus_outputg.append([output_gp.detach().cpu().numpy(), output_g.detach().cpu().numpy()]) self._f1pathversusgpath_ontorchdl_gpout = output_gp.detach().cpu().numpy() self._f1pathversusgpath_ontorchdl_annout = output_g.detach().cpu().numpy() return toret
[docs] def check_GPmatchANN_on_aDataloader(self, func_feed_dlinstances, func_get_lastidx_fedinstances, list_allidx): ''' Given a daloader, checks whether the GP and the ANN match on the dataloader. Inputs. - func_feed_dlinstances: a function. This function feeds some instances in the dataloader to the raw module. - func_get_lastidx_fedinstances: a function. This fucntion returns the indices of the last fed instances. - list_allidx: a list. list of all indices of the dataloader's instances that has to be fed to the raw module. ''' self.eval() set_allidx = set(list_allidx) set_seensofar = set([]) dict_idx_to_gpout = {} dict_idx_to_annout = {} #self._list_outputgp_versus_outputg = [] with torch.no_grad(): while(True): print("Visited {} instances out of {}".format(len(list(set_seensofar)), len(list_allidx)), end='\r') #check whether all instances are seen flag_done = (set_seensofar == set_allidx) if(flag_done == True): break #feed new instances ==== with forward_replaced(self.module_tobecomeGP, self._forward_checkequalf1pathgpath_ontorchdl): output = func_feed_dlinstances() idx_in_global = func_get_lastidx_fedinstances() for idx_in_local in range(len(idx_in_global)): dict_idx_to_gpout[idx_in_global[idx_in_local]] = self._f1pathversusgpath_ontorchdl_gpout[idx_in_local, :].flatten().tolist() dict_idx_to_annout[idx_in_global[idx_in_local]] = self._f1pathversusgpath_ontorchdl_annout[idx_in_local, :].flatten().tolist() set_seensofar = set( list(set_seensofar) + idx_in_global ) self.train() #self._set_rng_headsincompgraph(input_rng = [0 , self.memefficeint_heads_in_compgraph]) return dict_idx_to_gpout, dict_idx_to_annout
def checkequal_f1path_gpath(self, num_iters): self.eval() self._list_outputgp_versus_outputg = [] with torch.no_grad(): for n in range(num_iters): with forward_replaced(self.module_tobecomeGP, self._forward_checkequalf1pathgpath): output = self.func_feed_nonrecurring_minibatch() self.train() self._set_rng_headsincompgraph(input_rng = [0 , self.memefficeint_heads_in_compgraph]) return self._list_outputgp_versus_outputg def checkequal_GPout_ANNout_ontest(self, num_iters): self.eval() self._list_outputgp_versus_outputg = [] with torch.no_grad(): for n in range(num_iters): with forward_replaced(self.module_tobecomeGP, self._forward_checkequalf1pathgpath): output = self.func_feed_test_minibatch() self.train() if(self.flag_train_memefficient == True): self._set_rng_headsincompgraph(input_rng = [0 , self.memefficeint_heads_in_compgraph]) return self._list_outputgp_versus_outputg def renew_precomputed_XTX(self): with torch.no_grad(): for dimv, rngdim in enumerate(self._list_rngkernels): sliced_GPX = self.GP_X[:, int(rngdim[0]):int(rngdim[1])] #[size_recurringdataset x urng] self.precomputed_XTX[dimv] = torch.matmul(torch.transpose(sliced_GPX,0,1), sliced_GPX).detach() def _forward_updateGPX(self, x): ''' The forward function during updating some elements of GPX (the elemenets that correspond to the last mini-batch from recurring dataset). ''' #get indices of last recurring instances ==== list_idxrecurring = self.func_get_indices_lastrecurringinstances() #get outputs from the f1(.) module ==== tensor_u = self.module_f1(x) #[N x Du x *] tensor_u, N, Du = self._reshapeUorV(tensor_u) #[N* x Du] newvals_GPX = torch.nan_to_num(tensor_u.detach()) + 0.0 #It can be either [N x Du] or [N x Dusubset] based on self.flag_train_memefficient if(self.flag_train_memefficient == True): du_per_gp = int(self.Du/self.Dv) for dimv, rngdim in enumerate(self._list_rngkernels): #handle the case where self.flag_train_memefficient is set to True. if((self.flag_train_memefficient == True) and ((dimv >= self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[1]) or (dimv < self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[0]))): continue; sliced_GPX = self.GP_X[:, int(rngdim[0]):int(rngdim[1])] #[size_recurringdataset x urng] if(self.flag_train_memefficient == False): sliced_newvalsGPX = newvals_GPX[:, int(rngdim[0]):int(rngdim[1])] else: idx_in_slice = dimv - self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[0] sliced_newvalsGPX = newvals_GPX[:, idx_in_slice*du_per_gp:(idx_in_slice+1)*du_per_gp] newval_precomputed_XTX = self.precomputed_XTX[dimv].detach() -\ torch.matmul(torch.transpose(sliced_GPX[list_idxrecurring, :],0,1), sliced_GPX[list_idxrecurring, :]).detach() +\ torch.matmul(torch.transpose(sliced_newvalsGPX,0,1), sliced_newvalsGPX).detach() self.precomputed_XTX[dimv] = newval_precomputed_XTX #actualval = torch.matmul(torch.transpose(sliced_GPX,0,1), sliced_GPX).detach() #print("maxabs for dimv={} is {}".format(dimv, torch.max(torch.abs(newval_precomputed_XTX - actualval)))) if(self.flag_train_memefficient == False): self.GP_X[list_idxrecurring, :] = newvals_GPX + 0.0 else: du_per_gp = int(self.Du/self.Dv) self.GP_X[list_idxrecurring, du_per_gp*self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[0]:du_per_gp*self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[1]] = newvals_GPX + 0.0 # ~ for dimv, rngdim in enumerate(self._list_rngkernels): # ~ sliced_GPX = self.GP_X[:, int(rngdim[0]):int(rngdim[1])] #[size_recurringdataset x urng] # ~ actualval = torch.matmul(torch.transpose(sliced_GPX,0,1), sliced_GPX).detach() # ~ print("maxabs for dimv={} is {}".format(dimv, torch.max(torch.abs(self.precomputed_XTX[dimv] - actualval)))) return self._forward_dummy(x) def _forward_inferOutputsizeModuletobecomeGP(self, x): ''' This forward infers the size of the output from `self.module_tobecomeGP`'s original forward function. ''' toret = self.func_rawforward_tobecomeGP(x) self._size_output_moduletobecomeGP = list(toret.size())[1::] return toret def _forward_initGPYfromg(self, x): #get indices of last recurring instances ==== list_idxrecurring = self.func_get_indices_lastrecurringinstances() #pass x to g(.) output_g = self.func_rawforward_tobecomeGP(x) #[N x Dv x *] toret = output_g + 0.0 if(len(output_g.size()) > 2): N, Dv, star = list(output_g.size())[0], list(output_g.size())[1], list(output_g.size())[2:] assert(set(star) == set([1])) #TODO:handle * dimensions bigger than 1. else: N, Dv = list(output_g.size())[0], list(output_g.size())[1] output_g = output_g.view(N, Dv) #[N x Dv] if(len(list(output_g.size())) == 1): output_g = output_g.unsqueeze(0) #this happens when N=1 ==> output_g becomes [Dv] after squeezing for n in range((output_g.size())[0]): try: self._dict_initvalsGPYfromg[list_idxrecurring[n]] = output_g[n,:].cpu().numpy() self._set_visitedinstance_resetPGY.add(list_idxrecurring[n]) except: #TODO:check whether the calls actually add some new lements to list_idxrecurring, otherwise raise a warning. print("len(list_idxrecurring) = {}".format(len(list_idxrecurring))) print("x.size() = {}".format(x.size())) return toret def _forward_initGPXfromf(self, x): ''' When `self.flag_train_memefficient` is set to True, `module_f1` is required to have a function called `set_rng_outputheads(.)`. ''' #get indices of last recurring instances ==== list_idxrecurring = self.func_get_indices_lastrecurringinstances() #pass x to f1(.) if(self.flag_train_memefficient == False): output_f = self.module_f1(x) #[N x Du x *] else: self.module_f1.set_rng_outputheads(self._rng_heads_in_compgragh) output_f = self.module_f1(x) #[N x someDu x *] if(len(output_f.size()) == 2): pass #[NxDu] else: N = list(x.size())[0] num_outputheads = list(output_f.size())[1] #self.Du if(self.flag_train_memefficient == False) else (self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[1] - self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[0]) output_f = torch.mean(output_f.view(N, num_outputheads, -1), 2) #[NxDu] #set GPX from output_f if(self.flag_train_memefficient == False): for n in range((output_f.size())[0]): self._dict_initvalsGPXfromf[list_idxrecurring[n]] = output_f[n,:].cpu().numpy() self._set_visitedinstance_resetGPX.add(list_idxrecurring[n]) else: for n in range((output_f.size())[0]): self._dict_initvalsGPXfromf[ list_idxrecurring[n] , self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[0], self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[1] ] = output_f[n,:].cpu().numpy() self._set_visitedinstance_resetGPX[list_idxrecurring[n]] =\ self._set_visitedinstance_resetGPX[list_idxrecurring[n]] +\ [j+self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[0] for j in range(self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[1] - self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[0])] self._set_visitedinstance_resetGPX[list_idxrecurring[n]] = list(set(self._set_visitedinstance_resetGPX[list_idxrecurring[n]])) self._set_visitedinstance_resetGPX[list_idxrecurring[n]].sort() self._initGPX_count_visitedelements += self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[1] - self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[0] #set toret so that the forward continues === # ~ if(self.flag_train_memefficient == False): # ~ toret = (output_f + 0.0).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) #[N x Du x 1 x 1] # ~ else: # ~ num_excluded_dims = self.Dv - (self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[1] - self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[0]) # ~ toret =[output_f, torch.zeros((output_f.size()[0] , num_excluded_dims), device = output_f.device)], 1) #[NxDu] # ~ toret = toret.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) #[N x Du x 1 x 1]. toret = torch.randn([x.size()[0]]+self._size_output_moduletobecomeGP).to(output_f.device) return toret
[docs] def initV_from_theannitself(self): ''' This function initializes the GP_Y based on g(.) values at recurring points. ''' self.module_rawmodule.eval() with torch.no_grad(): self._set_visitedinstance_resetPGY = set() self._dict_initvalsGPYfromg = {} while(self._set_visitedinstance_resetPGY != set(range(self.size_recurringdataset))): print("visited {} instances.".format(len(list(self._set_visitedinstance_resetPGY))), end="\r") with forward_replaced(self.module_tobecomeGP, self._forward_initGPYfromg): output = self.func_feed_recurring_minibatch() #renew GPY ==== newval_GPY = np.array([self._dict_initvalsGPYfromg[n] for n in range(self.size_recurringdataset)]) #[N x Dv] self.GP_Y = torch.nn.Parameter( torch.tensor(newval_GPY, requires_grad = True, device=self.device) )#[N x Dv] self.module_rawmodule.train()
[docs] def initU_from_kernelmappings(self): ''' Initializes GPX from module f1. ''' self.module_rawmodule.eval() with torch.no_grad(): self._set_visitedinstance_resetGPX = set() if(self.flag_train_memefficient == False) else {i:[] for i in range(self.size_recurringdataset)} if(self.flag_train_memefficient == False): _set_toreach_visistedinstance = set(range(self.size_recurringdataset)) else: _set_toreach_visistedinstance = { i:[j for j in range(self.Dv)] for i in range(self.size_recurringdataset) } self._initGPX_count_visitedelements = 0 self._dict_initvalsGPXfromf = {} flag_init_finished = False count_while = 0 time_startinit = time.time() while(flag_init_finished == False): #print the status ==== count_while += 1 if(self.flag_train_memefficient == False): print("For GPX, visited {} instances.".format(len(list(self._set_visitedinstance_resetGPX))), end="\r") else: if((count_while%50) == 0): #print("reacehd here ....") #num_observedelems = np.sum([len(self._set_visitedinstance_resetGPX[k]) for k in self._set_visitedinstance_resetGPX.keys()]) time_epalsedtime = time.time() - time_startinit print( "For GPX, visited {} elements out of {} in {} seconds.".format( self._initGPX_count_visitedelements, self.size_recurringdataset*self.Du, time_epalsedtime ), end='\r' ) with forward_replaced(self.module_tobecomeGP, self._forward_initGPXfromf): output = self.func_feed_recurring_minibatch() if(self.flag_train_memefficient == True): self._inc_rng_headsincompgraph() #check if initialization has finished === if(self.flag_train_memefficient == False): flag_init_finished = set(self._set_visitedinstance_resetGPX) == _set_toreach_visistedinstance else: #t_beforeflagcheck = time.time() flag_init_finished = (self._set_visitedinstance_resetGPX == _set_toreach_visistedinstance) #t_afterflagcheck = time.time() #print("\n checking if finished took {} seconds.".format(t_afterflagcheck - t_beforeflagcheck)) #update GPX ==== if(self.flag_train_memefficient == False): newval_GPX = np.array([self._dict_initvalsGPXfromf[n] for n in range(self.size_recurringdataset)]) #[N x Du] else: newval_GPX = np.zeros((self.size_recurringdataset , self.Du)) du_per_dim = int(self.Du/self.Dv) for k in self._dict_initvalsGPXfromf.keys(): i, rng0, rng1 = k newval_GPX[i, du_per_dim*rng0:du_per_dim*rng1] = self._dict_initvalsGPXfromf[k] self.GP_X = torch.nn.Parameter( torch.tensor(newval_GPX, requires_grad = False, device=self.device) ) #[N x Du] if(self.flag_train_memefficient == True): self.module_f1.set_rng_outputheads(rng_outputhead = None) #to avoid manipulating module_f1 for later calls by user. self.module_rawmodule.train()
def _getMuCovforQvn(self, x): ''' Passes a tensor of shape [* x Du] to the GP, by detaching model params. ''' # ~ N, M, h, w = list(output_tail.size()) local_GPX, local_GPY = self.GP_X.detach(), self.GP_Y.detach() xxtplussigma2inverse = self.module_matmulxxtplussigma2.forward(local_GPX, local_GPY) #[size_recurringdataset x 1] self.module_attention_whenbnlikedisabled_head(output_tail) #[Nx1xhxw]. descriptors_vectorview = x #output_tail.permute(0,2,3,1).reshape((-1, M)) #[Nhw x M] mux = torch.matmul( descriptors_vectorview, torch.transpose(local_GPX, 0, 1) ) #[* x size_recurringdataset] mux = torch.matmul(mux , xxtplussigma2inverse) #[* x num_outputheads] #compute covx ==== first_term = torch.matmul(descriptors_vectorview, descriptors_vectorview.permute(1,0)) #[Nhw x Nhw] second_term = self.module_matmulxxtplussigma2.forward( local_GPX, torch.matmul(local_GPX, descriptors_vectorview.permute(1,0)) )#[size_recurringdataset x Nhw] second_term = torch.matmul( torch.matmul(descriptors_vectorview, local_GPX.permute(1, 0)), second_term ) #[Nhw x Nhw] covx = torch.diagonal(first_term) - torch.diagonal(second_term) #[Nhw] #print(" >>>>>>>>>>> min of covx before clamp = {}".format(np.min(covx.detach().cpu().numpy()))) covx = torch.clamp(covx, min=clamp_min, max=clamp_max)#TODO:check covx = covx.unsqueeze(-1) #[Nhw x 1] #print("mux.shape = {}, cov.shape = {}".format(mux.shape, covx.shape)) #return mux and covx return mux.detach(), covx.detach() def _getMuCovforQvhatm(self, x): ''' Passes a tensor of shape [* x Du] to the GP, without detaching GP_Y. ''' # ~ N, M, h, w = list(output_tail.size()) local_GPX, local_GPY = self.GP_X.detach(), self.GP_Y xxtplussigma2inverse = self.module_matmulxxtplussigma2.forward(local_GPX, local_GPY) #[size_recurringdataset x 1] self.module_attention_whenbnlikedisabled_head(output_tail) #[Nx1xhxw]. descriptors_vectorview = x #output_tail.permute(0,2,3,1).reshape((-1, M)) #[Nhw x M] mux = torch.matmul( descriptors_vectorview, torch.transpose(local_GPX, 0, 1) ) #[* x size_recurringdataset] mux = torch.matmul(mux , xxtplussigma2inverse) #[* x num_outputheads] #compute covx ==== first_term = torch.matmul(descriptors_vectorview, descriptors_vectorview.permute(1,0)) #[Nhw x Nhw] second_term = self.module_matmulxxtplussigma2.forward( local_GPX, torch.matmul(local_GPX, descriptors_vectorview.permute(1,0)) )#[size_recurringdataset x Nhw] second_term = torch.matmul( torch.matmul(descriptors_vectorview, local_GPX.permute(1, 0)), second_term ) #[Nhw x Nhw] covx = torch.diagonal(first_term) - torch.diagonal(second_term) #[Nhw] #print(" >>>>>>>>>>> min of covx before clamp = {}".format(np.min(covx.detach().cpu().numpy()))) covx = torch.clamp(covx, min=clamp_min, max=clamp_max)#TODO:check covx = covx.unsqueeze(-1) #[Nhw x 1] #return mux and covx return mux, covx def _getMuCovforModelParams(self, x): ''' Passes a tensor of shape [* x Du] to the GP, with detaching GP_Y. ''' #get the part of GPX that must pass the gradient === with forward_replaced(self.module_tobecomeGP, self._forward_setfield_lastGPX_recurring): self.func_feed_recurring_minibatch() #feed x to module_f1 to get the representation in U-space. tensor_u = self.module_f1(x) #[N x Du x *] tensor_u, N, Du = self._reshapeUorV(tensor_u) #[N* x Du] #get indices of last recurring instances ==== list_idxrecurring = self.func_get_indices_lastrecurringinstances() #separate the gradpass and detach parts for GPX and GPY with torch.no_grad(): idx_fixed = list(set(range(self.size_recurringdataset)) - set(list_idxrecurring)) GPX_fixed = self.GP_X[idx_fixed, :].detach() #[n' x M], [n' x num_outputheads] GPY_fixed = self.GP_Y[idx_fixed, :].detach() #TODO:check should be detached??? GPX_gradpass = self.lastGPX_recurring #[minibatch x Du] GPY_gradpass = self.GP_Y[list_idxrecurring, :].detach() local_GPX =[GPX_fixed, GPX_gradpass], 0) #[size_recurringdataset x Du] local_GPY =[GPY_fixed, GPY_gradpass], 0) #[size_recurringdataset x Dv] #compute mu ======== xxtplussigma2inverse = self.module_matmulxxtplussigma2.forward(local_GPX, local_GPY) #[size_recurringdataset x 1] self.module_attention_whenbnlikedisabled_head(output_tail) #[Nx1xhxw]. toret = torch.matmul( tensor_u, torch.transpose(local_GPX, 0, 1) ) #[Nhw x size_recurringdataset] toret = torch.matmul(toret , xxtplussigma2inverse) #[Nstar x Dv] toret = toret.view(*([N] + self.stardimDv +[-1])) #[N x h x w x Dv] mux = toret.permute(*([0] + [1+len(self.stardimDv)] + [i+1 for i in range(len(self.stardimDv))])) #[N x num_outputheads x h x w] #compute covx TODO:HERE ==== covx = torch.Tensor([[1.0]]).float().to(self.device) #---override # ~ first_term = torch.matmul(descriptors_vectorview, descriptors_vectorview.permute(1,0)) #[Nhw x Nhw] # ~ second_term = self.module_matmulxxtplussigma2.forward( # ~ local_GPX, # ~ torch.matmul(local_GPX, descriptors_vectorview.permute(1,0)) # ~ )#[size_recurringdataset x Nhw] # ~ second_term = torch.matmul( # ~ torch.matmul(descriptors_vectorview, local_GPX.permute(1, 0)), # ~ second_term # ~ ) #[Nhw x Nhw] # ~ covx = torch.diagonal(first_term) - torch.diagonal(second_term) #[Nhw] # ~ #print(" >>>>>>>>>>> min of covx before clamp = {}".format(np.min(covx.detach().cpu().numpy()))) # ~ covx = torch.clamp(covx, min=1.0, max=1.0)#TODO:check # ~ covx = covx.unsqueeze(-1) #[Nhw x 1] return mux, covx def _forward_makecostModelParams(self, x): ''' The forwrad when making cost for model parameters. This forward must be called when feeding non-recurring instnaces. ''' #generate samples from Qvn ==== with torch.no_grad(): muqvn = self.func_rawforward_tobecomeGP(x) #[N x C x 1 x 1] originalsize_vn = list(muqvn.size()) muqvn = muqvn.squeeze() #[N x C] #print("muqvn.shape = {}".format(muqvn.shape)) Z = torch.normal(mean=0.0, std=1.0, size=list(muqvn.size())).to(self.device) #[Nhw x num_outputheads] generated_vn = muqvn + torch.sqrt(self.cov_qvn)*Z #[* x Dv] #generated_vn = generated_vn.detach() #feed a recurring mini-batch with forward_replaced(self.module_tobecomeGP, self._forward_setfield_lastGPX_recurring): self.func_feed_recurring_minibatch() #separate the gradpass and detach parts for GPX and GPY list_idxrecurring = self.func_get_indices_lastrecurringinstances() with torch.no_grad(): idx_fixed = list(set(range(self.size_recurringdataset)) - set(list_idxrecurring)) GPX_fixed = self.GP_X[idx_fixed, :].detach() #[n' x M], [n' x num_outputheads] GPY_fixed = self.GP_Y[idx_fixed, :].detach() #TODO:check should be detached??? GPX_gradpass = self.lastGPX_recurring #[minibatch x Du] GPY_gradpass = self.GP_Y[list_idxrecurring, :].detach() local_GPX =[GPX_fixed, GPX_gradpass], 0) #[size_recurringdataset x Du] local_GPY =[GPY_fixed, GPY_gradpass], 0) #[size_recurringdataset x Dv] #compute mu() and cov() according to GP and by detaching GP_Y==== if(self.flag_efficient == True): dict_args_efficiency = { "mode":"allowgrad", "precomputed_XTX":self.precomputed_XTX, "idx_in_inputarg":[list(GPX_fixed.size())[0] , list(GPX_fixed.size())[0]+list(GPX_gradpass.size())[0]], "idx_in_globalGPX":list_idxrecurring, "global_GPX":self.GP_X } else: dict_args_efficiency = None mu_pvn, cov_pvn = self._forwardGP(self.module_f1(x), local_GPX, local_GPY, dict_args_efficiency=dict_args_efficiency) #self._getMuCovforModelParams(x) if(self.flag_detachcovpvn == True): cov_pvn = cov_pvn.detach() #print("cov pvn was detached") else: pass #print("cov pvn was NOT detached.") if(self.flag_setcovtoOne == True): cov_pvn = torch.Tensor([1.0]).to(self.device) else: pass #compute term1 term1 = NormalUtils.loglikelihood_1D(muqvn.detach(), mu_pvn, cov_pvn) if(self.flag_controlvariate == True): term1 = self.controlvariate(term1, (mu_pvn-muqvn)*(mu_pvn-muqvn)) self._cost_GPmatchNN_term1 = -torch.mean(torch.sum(term1, 1)) return torch.reshape(generated_vn, originalsize_vn) def _forward_makecostModelParams_trainmemefficient(self, x): ''' The forwrad when making cost for model parameters. This forward must be called when feeding non-recurring instnaces. Also this version of this function must be called only if `self.flag_train_memefficient` is set to True. ''' assert(self.flag_train_memefficient == True) #generate samples from Qvn ==== if(True):#with torch.no_grad(): muqvn = self.func_rawforward_tobecomeGP(x) #[N x Dv x 1 x 1] originalsize_vn = list(muqvn.size()) muqvn = muqvn.squeeze() #[N x Dv] muqvn = muqvn[: , self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[0]:self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[1]] #[N x Dvsubset] #print("muqvn.shape = {}".format(muqvn.shape)) Z = torch.normal(mean=0.0, std=1.0, size=list(muqvn.size())).to(self.device) #[Nhw x Dvsubset] generated_vn = muqvn + torch.sqrt(self.cov_qvn)*Z #[* x Dvsubset] #generated_vn = generated_vn.detach() #feed a recurring mini-batch with forward_replaced(self.module_tobecomeGP, self._forward_setfield_lastGPX_recurring): self.func_feed_recurring_minibatch() #now self.lastGPX_recurring is [N x Dusubset] #separate the gradpass and detach parts for GPX and GPY list_idxrecurring = self.func_get_indices_lastrecurringinstances() du_per_gp = int(self.Du/self.Dv) with torch.no_grad(): idx_fixed = list(set(range(self.size_recurringdataset)) - set(list_idxrecurring)) GPX_fixed = self.GP_X[idx_fixed, du_per_gp*self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[0]:du_per_gp*self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[1]].detach() #[n' x M], [n' x num_outputheads] GPY_fixed = self.GP_Y[idx_fixed, self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[0]:self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[1]].detach() #TODO:check should be detached??? GPX_gradpass = self.lastGPX_recurring #[minibatch x Dusubset] GPY_gradpass = self.GP_Y[list_idxrecurring, self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[0]:self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[1]].detach() local_GPX =[GPX_fixed, GPX_gradpass], 0) #[size_recurringdataset x Dusubset] local_GPY =[GPY_fixed, GPY_gradpass], 0) #[size_recurringdataset x Dvsubset] #compute mu() and cov() according to GP and by detaching GP_Y==== if(self.flag_efficient == True): dict_args_efficiency = { "mode":"allowgrad", "precomputed_XTX":self.precomputed_XTX, "idx_in_inputarg":[list(GPX_fixed.size())[0] , list(GPX_fixed.size())[0]+list(GPX_gradpass.size())[0]], "idx_in_globalGPX":list_idxrecurring, "global_GPX":self.GP_X } else: dict_args_efficiency = None mu_pvn, cov_pvn = self._forwardGP(self.module_f1(x), local_GPX, local_GPY, dict_args_efficiency=dict_args_efficiency) #self._getMuCovforModelParams(x) if(self.flag_detachcovpvn == True): cov_pvn = cov_pvn.detach() #print("cov pvn was detached") else: pass #print("cov pvn was NOT detached.") if(self.flag_setcovtoOne == True): cov_pvn = torch.Tensor([1.0]).to(self.device) else: pass #compute term1 term1 = NormalUtils.loglikelihood_1D(muqvn.detach(), mu_pvn, cov_pvn) if(self.flag_controlvariate == True): term1 = self.controlvariate(term1, (mu_pvn-muqvn)*(mu_pvn-muqvn)) self._cost_GPmatchNN_term1 = -torch.mean(torch.sum(term1, 1)) return torch.reshape(generated_vn, originalsize_vn) def _forward_makecostGPmatchNN(self, x): ''' The forwrad when making cost for GP-match-ANN. This forward must be called when feeding non-recurring instnaces. The input `x` has to be a tensor of shape [N x *] where * is any additional dimensions. ''' #generate samples from Qvn ==== with torch.no_grad(): muqvn = self.func_rawforward_tobecomeGP(x) #[N x *] dim_2 =[1::]) muqvn = muqvn.view(-1, dim_2) #muqvn = muqvn.squeeze() #[N x C] #print("muqvn.shape = {}".format(muqvn.shape)) Z = torch.normal(mean=0.0, std=1.0, size=list(muqvn.size())).to(self.device) #[Nhw x num_outputheads] generated_vn = muqvn + torch.sqrt(self.cov_qvn)*Z #[* x Dv] generated_vn = generated_vn.detach() #feed a recurring mini-batch with forward_replaced(self.module_tobecomeGP, self._forward_setfield_lastGPX_recurring): self.func_feed_recurring_minibatch() #separate the gradpass and detach parts for GPX and GPY list_idxrecurring = self.func_get_indices_lastrecurringinstances() with torch.no_grad(): idx_fixed = list(set(range(self.size_recurringdataset)) - set(list_idxrecurring)) GPX_fixed = self.GP_X[idx_fixed, :].detach() #[n' x M], [n' x num_outputheads] GPY_fixed = self.GP_Y[idx_fixed, :].detach() #TODO:check should be detached??? GPX_gradpass = self.lastGPX_recurring #[minibatch x Du] GPY_gradpass = self.GP_Y[list_idxrecurring, :].detach() local_GPX =[GPX_fixed, GPX_gradpass], 0) #[size_recurringdataset x Du] local_GPY =[GPY_fixed, GPY_gradpass], 0) #[size_recurringdataset x Dv] #compute mu() and cov() according to GP and by detaching GP_Y==== if(self.flag_efficient == True): dict_args_efficiency = { "mode":"allowgrad", "precomputed_XTX":self.precomputed_XTX, "idx_in_inputarg":[list(GPX_fixed.size())[0] , list(GPX_fixed.size())[0]+list(GPX_gradpass.size())[0]], "idx_in_globalGPX":list_idxrecurring, "global_GPX":self.GP_X } else: dict_args_efficiency = None mu_pvn, cov_pvn = self._forwardGP( self.module_f1(x), local_GPX, local_GPY, dict_args_efficiency=dict_args_efficiency ) #self._getMuCovforModelParams(x) cov_pvn = cov_pvn.detach() #TODO:check cov_pvn = torch.ones_like(cov_pvn).to(self.device)#TODO:check cov_pvn.detach() #TODO:check #compute term1 term1 = NormalUtils.loglikelihood_1D(muqvn.detach(), mu_pvn, cov_pvn) self._cost_GPmatchNN_term1 = -torch.mean(torch.sum(term1, 1)) return generated_vn def _forward_makcostQvhatm(self, x): ''' The forward when making cost for Qvhatm. This forward must be called when feeding non-recurring instances. ''' #generate samples from Qvn ==== with torch.no_grad(): muqvn = self.func_rawforward_tobecomeGP(x) Z = torch.normal(mean=0.0, std=1.0, size=list(muqvn.size())).to(self.device) #[Nhw x num_outputheads] generated_vn = muqvn + torch.sqrt(self.cov_qvn)*Z #[* x Dv] generated_vn = generated_vn.detach() #compute mu() and cov(.) according to GP ==== mu_pvn, cov_pvn = self._getMuCovforQvhatm(self._reshapeUorV(self.module_f1(x.detach()))[0]) term_1 = NormalUtils.loglikelihood_1D(generated_vn, mu_pvn, cov_pvn)#[Nhwxnum_outputheads] term_1 = torch.sum(term_1, 1) #[Nhx] self._costQvhatm_term1 = -torch.mean(term_1) #make the KL-term (i.e. term2) ======= klterm = torch.sum(self.GP_Y*self.GP_Y, 1)*0.0/(1000.0)#TODO:check NormalUtils.KLdiv_lowranksigma2( # ~ mu1 = self.GP_Y.permute(1,0)+0.0, # ~ diagsigma1 = self.cov_vhat, # ~ x_covar2 = self.GP_X, # ~ module_matmulcovar2 = self.module_matmulcovaronGPX # ~ ) self._costQvhatm_klterm = torch.mean(klterm) return generated_vn def _forward_feedonnoise_makecostQvn(self, x): ''' This forward is called within `_forward_makecostQvn` and with input noise. This forward build `self._cost_Qvn_klpart`. ''' #pass the nosie x to g(.) === mu_qvn = self.func_rawforward_tobecomeGP(x) #[N x C x 1 x 1] if(len(list(mu_qvn.size())) == 2): mu_qvn = mu_qvn.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) #to assert [N x C x 1 x 1] #muqvn = muqvn.squeeze() #[N x C] #pass the noise x to f(.) and GP ==== local_GPX = self.GP_X.detach() #[size_recurringdataset x Du] local_GPY = self.GP_Y.detach() #[size_recurringdataset x Dv] if(self.flag_efficient == True): dict_args_efficiency = { "mode":"detachGP", "precomputed_XTX":self.precomputed_XTX } else: dict_args_efficiency = None mu_pvn, cov_pvn = self._forwardGP(self.module_f1(x), local_GPX, local_GPY, dict_args_efficiency=dict_args_efficiency) #self._getMuCovforModelParams(x) mu_pvn = mu_pvn.detach() cov_pvn = cov_pvn.detach() #compute the self._cost_Qvn_klpart ==== N, _, h, w = list(mu_qvn.size()) mu_qvn = mu_qvn.permute(0,2,3,1) #[N x h x w x num_outputheads] mu_qvn = mu_qvn.reshape((-1, self.Dv)) #[Nhw x num_outputheads] cov_qvn = self.cov_qvn #compute the kl-divergence === toret_KL = NormalUtils.KLdiv_twonormals_withdiagonalcovar( mu1 = mu_qvn, diagsigma1 = cov_qvn, mu2 = mu_pvn, diagsigma2 = cov_pvn ) #[Nhw] self._cost_Qvn_klpart = toret_KL return mu_qvn.detach() def _forward_makecostQvn(self, x): ''' The forward make the cost for Qvn. In this forward, for a single non-recurring batch the vn representations must be computed in two ways: 1. via g(.) 2. via f1(.) and GP. ''' #generate samples from Qvn (to be used by, e.g., the cross-entropy loss) ==== muqvn = self.func_rawforward_tobecomeGP(x) #[N x C x 1 x 1] muqvn = muqvn.squeeze() #[N x C] Z = torch.normal(mean=0.0, std=1.0, size=list(muqvn.size())).to(self.device) #[Nhw x num_outputheads] generated_vn = muqvn + torch.sqrt(self.cov_qvn)*Z #[* x Dv] #feed a noise mini-batch with forward_replaced(self.module_tobecomeGP, self._forward_feedonnoise_makecostQvn): _ = self.func_feed_noise_minibatch() #now self._cost_Qvn_klpart is ready. return generated_vn # ~ #compute via g(.) ==== # ~ #print("x.shape = {}".format(x.shape)) # ~ self._muqvn_forQvncost = self.func_rawforward_tobecomeGP(x) # ~ #print(" self._muqvn_forQvncost.shape = {}".format(self._muqvn_forQvncost.shape)) # ~ #compute via f1(.) and GP # ~ with torch.no_grad(): # ~ #feed x to module_f1 to get the representation in U-space. # ~ tensor_u = self.module_f1(x) #[N x Du x *] # ~ tensor_u, N, Du = self._reshapeUorV(tensor_u) #[N* x Du] # ~ self._mupvn_forQvncost, self._covpvn_forQvncost = self._getMuCovforQvn(tensor_u) # ~ #generate a sample from q(vn) and reuturn it as foward's output ==== # ~ if(len(list(self._muqvn_forQvncost.size())) == 2): # ~ self._muqvn_forQvncost = self._muqvn_forQvncost.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) # ~ Z = torch.normal(mean=0.0, std=1.0, size=list(self._muqvn_forQvncost.size())).to(self.device) #[Nhw x num_outputheads] # ~ generated_vn = self._muqvn_forQvncost + torch.sqrt(self.cov_qvn)*Z #[Nhw x num_outputheads] # ~ return generated_vn def _forward_dummy(self, x): ''' Forwards x as if GPX and GPY are random number. ''' #feed x to module_f1 to get the representation in U-space. tensor_u = self.module_f1(x) #[N x Du x *] tensor_u, N, Du = self._reshapeUorV(tensor_u) #[N* x Du] with torch.no_grad(): N = list(x.size())[0] #print(" >>> reached here 3") #print("N = {}".format(N)) toret = torch.zeros((N, self.Dv, 1, 1)).float().to(self.device) return toret def _forward_setfield_lastGPX_recurring(self, x): ''' This forward is called when some elements of GPX related to f1(.) (which has to backprop the gradient) are needed. ''' #print(" >>> reached here 1.") #feed x to module_f1 to get the representation in U-space. tensor_u = self.module_f1(x) #[N x Du x *] tensor_u, N, Du = self._reshapeUorV(tensor_u) #[N* x Du] #print(" >>> reached here 2.") #print(" tensor_u.shape = {}".format(tensor_u.shape)) #print(" self.func_get_indices_lastrecurringinstances() = {}".format(self.func_get_indices_lastrecurringinstances())) self.lastGPX_recurring = tensor_u#[self.func_get_indices_lastrecurringinstances(), :] with torch.no_grad(): N = list(x.size())[0] #print(" >>> reached here 3") #print("N = {}".format(N)) toret = torch.zeros((N, self.Dv, 1, 1)).float().to(self.device) #print(" >>> returned 4") return toret def _forward_testingtime_withoutuncertainty(self, x): ''' TODO:adddoc. ''' #get the part of GPX that must pass the gradient === #with forward_replaced(self.module_tobecomeGP, self._forward_setfield_lastGPX_recurring): # self.func_feed_recurring_minibatch() if(self.flag_train_memefficient == False): #feed x to module_f1 to get the representation in U-space. tensor_u = self.module_f1(x) #[N x Du x *] tensor_u, N, Du = self._reshapeUorV(tensor_u) #[N* x Du] #get indices of last recurring instances ==== local_GPX = self.GP_X[GPX_fixed, GPX_gradpass], 0) #[size_recurringdataset x Du] local_GPY = self.GP_Y[GPY_fixed, GPY_gradpass], 0) #[size_recurringdataset x Dv] mu_pvn, cov_pvn, similarities = self._forwardGP(self.module_f1(x), local_GPX, local_GPY, flag_clampcov=False, flag_returnsimilarites=True, dict_args_efficiency=None) #self._getMuCovforModelParams(x) mu_pvn = mu_pvn.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) #[N x num_outputheads x 1 x 1] #print(">>>>>> mu_pvn.shape = {}".format(mu_pvn.shape)) #make similarities and uncertainties ===== self._testingtime_uncertainties = cov_pvn.detach().cpu().numpy() self._testingtime_similarities = similarities #toret_similarities.detach().cpu().numpy() return mu_pvn else: mu_pvn, testingtime_uncertainties, testingtime_similarities = [], [], [] du_per_gp = int(self.Du/self.Dv) for idx_gp in range(self.Dv): #find tensor_u of this GP === self._set_rng_headsincompgraph(input_rng = [idx_gp, idx_gp+1]) tensor_u_ofgp_origshape = self.module_f1(x) #[N x Dusubset x *] tensor_u_ofgp, N, _ = self._reshapeUorV(tensor_u_ofgp_origshape) #[N* x Dusubset] #get indices of last recurring instances ==== local_GPX = self.GP_X[GPX_fixed, GPX_gradpass], 0) #[size_recurringdataset x Du] local_GPY = self.GP_Y[GPY_fixed, GPY_gradpass], 0) #[size_recurringdataset x Dv] #find mu, of this GP == mu_pvn_ofgp, cov_pvn_ofgp, similarities_ofgp = self._forwardGP(tensor_u_ofgp_origshape, local_GPX, local_GPY, flag_clampcov=False, flag_returnsimilarites=True, dict_args_efficiency=None) #self._getMuCovforModelParams(x) mu_pvn_ofgp = mu_pvn_ofgp.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) #[N x num_outputheads x 1 x 1] #grab the results of gp into the global lists === mu_pvn.append(mu_pvn_ofgp) testingtime_uncertainties.append(cov_pvn_ofgp.detach().cpu().numpy()) testingtime_similarities.append(similarities_ofgp) self._testingtime_uncertainties = np.array([u.flatten().tolist()[0] for u in testingtime_uncertainties]) self._testingtime_similarities = np.array([u.flatten().tolist()[0] for u in testingtime_similarities]) return mu_pvn def _forward_GPwithoutuncertainty(self, x): ''' TODO:adddoc. ''' #get the part of GPX that must pass the gradient === with forward_replaced(self.module_tobecomeGP, self._forward_setfield_lastGPX_recurring): self.func_feed_recurring_minibatch() #feed x to module_f1 to get the representation in U-space. tensor_u = self.module_f1(x) #[N x Du x *] tensor_u, N, Du = self._reshapeUorV(tensor_u) #[N* x Du] #get indices of last recurring instances ==== list_idxrecurring = self.func_get_indices_lastrecurringinstances() #separate the gradpass and detach parts for GPX and GPY # ~ with torch.no_grad(): # ~ idx_fixed = list(set(range(self.size_recurringdataset)) - set(list_idxrecurring)) # ~ GPX_fixed = self.GP_X[idx_fixed, :].detach() #[n' x M], [n' x num_outputheads] # ~ GPY_fixed = self.GP_Y[idx_fixed, :]#.detach() #TODO:check should be detached??? # ~ GPX_gradpass = self.lastGPX_recurring #[minibatch x Du] # ~ GPY_gradpass = self.GP_Y[list_idxrecurring, :] local_GPX = self.GP_X.detach()[GPX_fixed, GPX_gradpass], 0) #[size_recurringdataset x Du] local_GPY = self.GP_Y.detach()[GPY_fixed, GPY_gradpass], 0) #[size_recurringdataset x Dv] mu_pvn, _ = self._forwardGP(self.module_f1(x), local_GPX, local_GPY, dict_args_efficiency=None) # ~ #compute the attention_mask ======== # ~ xxtplussigma2inverse = self.module_matmulxxtplussigma2.forward(local_GPX, local_GPY) #[size_recurringdataset x 1] self.module_attention_whenbnlikedisabled_head(output_tail) #[Nx1xhxw]. # ~ toret = torch.matmul( # ~ tensor_u, # ~ torch.transpose(local_GPX, 0, 1) # ~ ) #[Nhw x size_recurringdataset] # ~ toret = torch.matmul(toret , xxtplussigma2inverse) #[Nstar x Dv] # ~ toret = toret.view(*([N] + self.stardimDv +[-1])) #[N x h x w x Dv] # ~ toret = toret.permute(*([0] + [1+len(self.stardimDv)] + [i+1 for i in range(len(self.stardimDv))])) #[N x num_outputheads x h x w] return mu_pvn def _forward_inferDu(self, x): ''' The forwardf of the module will temporarily replaced by this fucntion. ''' #pass x to both module_g and module_f1 ==== output_f1 = self.module_f1(x) output_g = self.func_rawforward_tobecomeGP(x) #print(" output_f1.shape = {}".format(output_f1.shape)) NCstar_of_u = list(output_f1.size()) self.Du = NCstar_of_u[1] #print(" Du was set to {}".format(self.Du)) return output_g def _forward_inferDv(self, x): ''' The forward of the module will temporarily be replaced by this forward fucntion. ''' #print("x.shape = {}".format(x.shape)) print("x.shape = {}".format(x.shape)) output = self.func_rawforward_tobecomeGP(x) #print("output.shape = {}".format(output.shape)) #infer and grab Dv here ==== NCstar_of_v = list(output.size()) self.Dv = NCstar_of_v[1] self.stardimDv = NCstar_of_v[2:] print(" Dv was set to {}".format(self.Dv)) return output def _infer_outputsize_mdouletobecomeGP(self): ''' After calling this function, the field self._size_output_moduletobecomeGP will be set to, e.g., [C x h*w x 1]. ''' self.eval() with torch.no_grad(): #output size of module_tobecomeGP with forward_replaced(self.module_tobecomeGP, self._forward_inferOutputsizeModuletobecomeGP): output = self.func_feed_recurring_minibatch() self.train() def _inferDvDv(self): ''' Infers Dv (with notation of Fig.1 of paper). ''' self.eval() with torch.no_grad(): #infer Dv with forward_replaced(self.module_tobecomeGP, self._forward_inferDv): output = self.func_feed_recurring_minibatch() #infer Du with forward_replaced(self.module_tobecomeGP, self._forward_inferDu): output = self.func_feed_recurring_minibatch() if(self.flag_train_memefficient == True): num_outputheads = self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[1] - self._rng_heads_in_compgragh[0] #TODO:raise an excpetion if the current Du is not divisible by num_outputheads. Du_per_f1module = self.Du/num_outputheads print("self.Du = {}".format(self.Du)) print("num_outputheads = {}".format(num_outputheads)) print("Du_per_f1module = {}".format(Du_per_f1module)) self.Du = int(self.Dv * Du_per_f1module) self.train()
class NormalUtils: ''' Utitlity functions like log-likelihood, etc. for normal distribution. ''' def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def loglikelihood_1D(x, mu, cov): ''' Returns the log-likelihood of 1-D normal distrbiution for a batch of inputs. Inputs must have broadcastable shapes. Inputs. - x: the values. - mu: the means (s). - cov: the covatiance (s). Output. - a tensor of the same shape as `x`. ''' toret = -0.5*((x-mu)*(x-mu))/cov - 0.5*torch.log(cov) with torch.no_grad(): np_xminmu = ((x-mu)).detach().cpu().numpy() #print("||x-mu||_2 in range [{},{}]".format(np.min(np_xminmu), np.max(np_xminmu))) #print(">>>> term 1 = {}".format(torch.mean((((x-mu)*(x-mu))/cov)).detach().cpu().numpy())) #print(">>>>>> term 2 = {}".format(torch.mean(torch.log(cov)))) return toret @staticmethod def KLdiv_twonormals_withdiagonalcovar(mu1, diagsigma1, mu2, diagsigma2): ''' Computes the KL-divergence between two batches of normal distributions. All normal distributions must have diagonal covariance matrices. Inputs. - mu1, mu2: means of the first and the second batch, two tensor of shape [NxD]. - diagsigma1, diagsigma2: the diagonal of the covariance matrices of the first and the second batch, two tensors of shape [NxD]. ''' #compute term 1 ======== logdet1 = torch.sum(torch.log(diagsigma1), 1) #[N] logdet2 = torch.sum(torch.log(diagsigma2), 1) #[N] term_1 = 0.0 #TODO:checklogdet2 - logdet1 #[N] #compute term2 ===== term_2 = 0.0 #TODO:check not dependant on varpars -(list(mu1.size())[1]) #compute term3 ==== term_3 = 0.0#TODO:check torch.sum(diagsigma1/diagsigma2, 1) #[N] #compute term4 ==== term_4 = ((mu2 - mu1)*(mu2 - mu1))/(diagsigma2) #[NxD] #TODO:check term_4 = torch.sum(term_4, 1) #[N] #return the result toret = term_1 + term_2 + term_3 + term_4 #[N] with torch.no_grad(): np_term4 = term_4.detach().cpu().numpy() np_mu2minmu1 = (mu2-mu1).detach().cpu().numpy() np_diagsigma2 = diagsigma2.detach().cpu().numpy() #print(" >>>>>>>>>>>> term 4 in range [{},{}]".format(np.min(np_term4), np.max(np_term4))) #print(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mu2-mu1 in range [{},{}]".format(np.min(np_mu2minmu1), np.max(np_mu2minmu1))) #print(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disgsigma2 in range [{},{}]".format(np.min(np_diagsigma2), np.max(np_diagsigma2))) # ~ print(" terms 1-4 = [{} , {} , {} , {}]".format( # ~ term_1.detach().cpu().numpy(), # ~ term_2, # ~ term_3.detach().cpu().numpy(), # ~ term_4.detach().cpu().numpy() # ~ ) # ~ ) # ~ print(" ------ range of diagsigma2 = [{} , {}]".format( # ~ np.min(diagsigma2.detach().cpu().numpy()), # ~ np.max(diagsigma2.detach().cpu().numpy()) # ~ ) # ~ ) return toret @staticmethod def KLdiv_lowranksigma2(mu1, diagsigma1, x_covar2, module_matmulcovar2): ''' Computes the KL-divergence between two batches of normal distributions. The first normal distribution has a diagonal covariance matrix. The second normal distrbution has a [MxM] but low-rank covariance matrix. Inputs. - mu1: mean of the first normal distribution, tensor of shape [DxM]. - diagsigma1: the diagonal of the covariance matrices of the first batch, a scalar. - x_covar2: the matrices that form the second covariance matrix, tensor of shape [M x n']. ''' sigma2invmu1, logdet_sigma2, trace_sigma2inv = \ module_matmulcovar2.forward(x_covar2, mu1.permute(1,0), flag_getlogdetmat1=True) #[MxD], scalar, and scalar #compute term_1 ==== D = list(mu1.size())[1] term_1 = 0.0#TODO:checklogdet_sigma2 - np.log(diagsigma1) #scalar #copmute term_2 === term_2 = 0.0 #compute term_3 ==== term_3 = 0.0#TODO:checkdiagsigma1 * trace_sigma2inv #scalar #compute term_4 ==== term_4 = torch.matmul(mu1, sigma2invmu1) #[DxD] term_4 = 1.0*torch.diagonal(term_4) #---override completely delete the regularization on #[D] #return the result === toret = term_1 + term_2 + term_3 + term_4 # ~ print(" terms 1-4 = [{} , {} , {} , {}]".format( # ~ term_1.detach().cpu().numpy(), # ~ term_2, # ~ term_3.detach().cpu().numpy(), # ~ term_4.detach().cpu().numpy() # ~ ) # ~ ) return toret